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How to Finish Construction Projects Faster

No matter the construction project, there is one key factor that will always make or break you: time. It is your most valuable commodity and you will always do well to manage it well. There is nowhere this is more evident than with construction projects in wet areas. The different activities and various personnel involved make it crucial everything happens on time to ensure success. It is common, however, despite everyone’s best effort, for construction projects to experience delays and associated cost overruns. While many factors contribute to this, two key components are how the company manages time and how it responds to change. Master these two areas and you will see it reflect in more efficient project completion.

Time Management and Why You Need It

Effective time management and administration is the key to faster construction projects and lower associated costs. Any time there is a delay in your schedule an explanation needs to be given to your customers and contractors. Each delay can add to your personnel and supply costs, degrade your customer experience, result in regulatory compliance violations, and any number of other direct and indirect added costs.

Most materials and supplies remain stationary and, once placed, you need not concern yourself about them any further. Working near water, on the other hand, poses unique challenges. It will flow through even the smallest cracks and can become hard to manage very quickly. This is what makes working in wet environments such as near rivers and lakes particularly challenging. You can do everything in your power to control the other elements of your project, and the nearby water can still threaten project completion if not accounted for. You may not be able to get your people or equipment into the project area. You could waste time continually drying components and materials you need to keep dry. This and more all adds up to extra project time and costs.

Cofferdams: Your Best Solution

Most construction companies go straight to sandbags when they work near water. This solution works, but you need to either fill the bags with sand onsite wasting precious project time, or you have to haul the fill bags to the site, raising your transportation costs. You also have to manually place the bags on the property for them to work. The same goes with retention pools and cofferdams which require you to create space for the pool.

The only solution that will speed up your project and eliminate your water problems is a water-inflated cofferdam. Our Aqua-BarrierⓇ water-inflated cofferdam system combines the power of a traditional cofferdam with the portability of sandbags and makes your life simpler in the process. You get a customizable, repairable, and reusable temporary cofferdam your crew can set up in minutes to keep your worksite dry for as long as you need it.

On top of that, you never need Hazmat procedures to dispose of your Aqua-BarrierⓇ cofferdam or to reuse it, making it also environmentally friendly. The system just uses water, the same water you are trying to control, leaving no environmental impact.

Time management is a chore for any construction project. Why waste time when you can use an Aqua-BarrierⓇ cofferdam system to eliminate your water problems quickly and efficiently? It will reduce the time you need to setup each side of your worksite and your overall project time in the process. Contact us to see how an Aqua-Barrier will let you finish your construction projects faster and be more competitive for your next project.

Please give us a call at 936-372-1222 or toll-free at 800-245-0199 to get started.

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